
Lee-Ann Fitzpatrick BHSc (Naturopathy)

Lee-Ann Fitzpatrick, a degree qualified Naturopath with a special interest in women’s and children’s health as well as body composition testing. Lee-Ann has been in private practice for the past 20years, over which time she has helped clients with a range of health conditions. Her areas of specialty include women’s hormonal conditions, liver and gut health and children’s health. In more recent years, her interest has grown to include body composition testing and individualised meal planning.

“My approach to health is holistic and is focused on helping clients identify the underlying drivers of their health concerns. It is not until we truly understand why something is happening that we can put the right interventions in place to address the  underlying cause/s. While some focus is always placed on improving symptoms and getting you feeling better as soon as possible, true health can only be achieved when the underlying cause/s is addressed.

My real passion lies in the area of nutrition. I believe food is medicine and can have a powerful impact on our overall health and wellbeing, including in the treatment and prevention of disease. I am passionate about educating clients to better understand their individual health needs so they can make the necessary changes to help them be the best versions of themselves. I love helping clients make diet and lifestyle changes that are realistic and specific to their individual needs. I also advise clients on the safe and effective use of herbal and nutritional supplements and how they may assist them in their healing as well as in the prevention of disease.”