Individualised Meal Plans

Individualised meal plans can be a great way to help you meet your nutritional goals without having to do all the hard work yourself! Working out what to eat and knowing if  you are meeting your nutritional needs can be confusing and daunting for many people.  Having to count calories or macros (protein, carbohydrates and fats) as well as finding recipes that are nutritious and meet your personal needs can seem all too hard sometimes.

Whether you are time poor or love spending time in the kitchen, your meal plan can be adapted to be as simple or as involved as your needs permit. If there are particular foods that you need to avoid for health reasons (ie dairy free, gluten free, egg free etc….) or you choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, your meal plan can cater to your needs or even a combination of needs.  If you are wanting to shift some weight or maintain a healthy weight, your meal plan can be calorie and macro balanced without you needing to count or track these yourself….all you have to focus on is the beautiful whole food recipes on your individualised meal plan

All the hard work is done for you and what you are presented with is a meal plan with full colour recipes and even a customised shopping list that is organised in categories for easy shopping and no wasted food!  The number of portions can be customised to fit the number of people eating at each meal and extra portions can be factored in so you have leftovers for the next days lunch…saving you time.

If you are focused on maintaining a healthy body composition or wanting to lose weight, your meal plan can be customised with your in clinic MetaScan results. This will further help individualise your needs by helping to set your calorie and macro nutrient needs in line with your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and energy expenditure (from your daily exercise output). This will ensure that you’re on track to achieve your personal health goals.   

Furthermore, additional weekly plans can be added easily to keep lots of variety in your diet and can be adapted as your needs change or as the season changes. You will be asked to fill out a short meal planning questionnaire so that you have a say in the foods you like and dislike so that you only get recipes that you are likely to love!

Meal plans will be emailed to you within 14 days of your meal planning appointment.  If your meal plan needs to be adapted due to an ongoing health condition, it is best to have an initial Naturopathic or Nutritional Medicine consultation so we can best understand your individual needs.